Thursday 29 September 2011

In fashion there's no male or female

Designed By: B Fashionable, B Unique, B You by: 
Malcolm Cremona, Kirsten Camilleri & Daniel Cassar

Materials Used: Chiffon, Organza, Sheantz, Lace & Satin

B Fashionable, B Unique, B You is a new upcoming company founded by 3 young designers. The message we want to send is that fashion has no male or female, and more importantly it has no labels. Fashion is something that shows who you are, something that one should be comfortable wearing and that shows his personality. That is what our motto actually means. We believe that fashion isn’t just for the models and the mannequins, it is for every one of us and that is why we decided to work together, we are all different from each other and using our differences we came up with one style. We want to show that there is no set fashion, everyone should see what his style is and make his own fashion, the one he/she feels comfortable in. Our last message is that you don’t have to follow set fashion, be fashion, be unique, and be YOU!

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